The Labor Movement has a rich history in Ohio. In 1881 Samuel Gompers organized the group that was to become the American Federation of Labor in 1886 in Columbus, Ohio. With the shift away from heavy industries like steel and automotive, the service sector has become the front line for workers' rights in sectors such as communications, healthcare, and education. With the advent of Covid 19, we have been forced to recognize the essential nature of the 4 most common jobs in America (retail sales, cashier, food service, registered nurse), all of which have direct physical proximity to the open public. But most importantly, the purchasing power a living wage gives Ohio working people is necessary for the demand that drives a robust, healthy economy. In short, if working people don’t have money in their pockets, the economy tanks!
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In the ongoing struggle for equality, it's crucial to recognize and address the intersecting identities and experiences of individuals who identify as both LGBTQ+ and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color). These communities face unique challenges at the intersections of race, sexuality, and gender identity, which demand a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to advocacy and activism.
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Women own their bodies and should be allowed to their choice regarding reproductive rights. This is an issue about telling you what to choose, it's about your right to choose.
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Public schools were invented in America and are part of what makes us great!
The Ohio legislature was charged by the Supreme Court to fix the Ohio K-12 school system, and the political leadership has ignored the issue for 17 years! Seriously!!
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The Second Amendment was ratified over 200 years ago in 1791 with a caveat that it applied to a well regulated militia. When I was born, regulation of firearms was an accepted covenant of modern society. We grew up in relative safety.
In 1975 the NRA began a campaign of lobbying for legislation financed by the international gun industry and designed for the unlimited proliferation of weapons in the United States of America. Times changed, our nation became polarized and in 2008 the US Supreme Court issued the Heller decision which, for the first time in United States history, articulated an individual’s right to bear arms.
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Every responsible citizen should be concerned about the cost of healthcare. From pharmaceutical policies that have us paying more than the other countries to skyrocketing premiums and deductibles, this has to be a top priority.
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Like any parent, I try my best to plan for a future of my kids and someday I hope to have grandchildren. It’s unfair that many of the wonders of the world are changing before our very eyes due to impacts of global warning and climate change that may prove to be irreversible. By acknowledging this reality and planning for it we fulfill our obligation of good stewardship to the land, air and water of Ohio.
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